Find here the best content of our blog on customer experience and employee experience! A collection of qualitative articles that will allow you to discover or deepen your understanding of customer relations in all its aspects.
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#1 Camaraderie: A Management Tool on both sides of the Atlantic
Camaraderie is a rarely used French word in business circles within France.
At school, it means friendship. At work, it means solidarity between union members.
It is never used to describe relationships in business.
I was very surprised the first time I heard my American partner Marty talking about camaraderie in a business context.
#2 The obvious is in front of me. How did I miss it ?
Lester is the CEO of a business operations consultancy. His business was successful but he felt that he had to make all the decisions himself. His team members and suppliers responded to his direction and requests but often did so in a lackluster way, resulting in his spending significant time on every aspect of his business…
#3 Hyper-Nudge to reboot consumption
The Covid-19 pandemic has pushed us to reflect on the new world and to find solutions to the challenges presented to consumption. To that end, Extens Consulting has conducted extensive research and has developed a unique ‘hyper-nudge’ based strategy led by Benjamin Peykani, anthropology expert and strategy consultant.
#4 Give your customer experiences a meaning!
Stand out from the competition and keep customers in the long run are ongoing challenges for brands. The new practice in this era is to offer consumers to practice “experiences”.
But is it really the right answer for all businesses?
#5 How can retailers in today’s “connected customer” world innovate the checkout experience?
For customers, it’s no longer just about buying a product or service. It’s about delivering memorable experiences from their favorite brands. In today’s connected economy, customers are placing more value on their experiences than the products or services they’re consuming. They want experiences that make their lives easier and precisely reflect their preferences, needs and aspirations.