Discover Predictive NPS Potential
The Net Promoter Score rapidly became a reference for businesses aiming to improve their customer experience through a
Découvrez l’ensemble de nos articles sur les sujets de la relation client, l’expérience client, l’engagement collaborateur et bien d’autres !
The Net Promoter Score rapidly became a reference for businesses aiming to improve their customer experience through a
It’s no secret that happy customers are good for business. Companies that deliver great customer experiences see higher
Stand out from the competition and keep customers in the long run are ongoing challenges for brands. The
In the increasingly popular hybrid workplace models, both business leaders and team members report that they miss the
The pandemic has negatively impacted team dynamics. The solution? Camaraderie. Business communities worldwide have seen profound isolation and
Extens Consulting, specialized in Customer Experience, is proud to launch its innovative offer around mystery shopping and customer
By Marty KATZ, MINDFUL CLARITY / Partner of Extens Consulting Alliance “Lester is the CEO of a business
The Covid-19 pandemic has pushed us to reflect on the new world and to find solutions to the
In the era of digitalization, organizations have no choice but to transform, to evolve their customer experience, and
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